Patrick O'Brien
I am a PhD student working with Dr. Sanchez-Azofeifa studying forests with remote sensing. I use machine learning and state-of-the-art sensors to predict biodiversity over large scales.
I am a PhD student working with Dr. Sanchez-Azofeifa studying forests with remote sensing. I use machine learning and state-of-the-art sensors to predict biodiversity over large scales.
I’m a third year PhD student working with Dr. Paul Myers. I work on modelling the Arctic Ocean, to understand current and future changes in the Canadian Arctic.
I am a PhD student working with Dr. Kurt Konhauser and Dr. JP Zonneveld. I am studying the effects of turbidity on Pleistocene coral reefs in Indonesia and I am particularly interested in the implications for the future health of reefs.
I am a PhD student working with Dr. Konhauser and Dr. Alessi to understand the Ge signals in Precambrian cherts.
I am a MSc student with Dr. Britta Jensen, working on Quaternary and Holocene volcanic eruptive histories in Alaska and northern British Columbia.
I am a second-year master’s student studying paleontology under Dr. Lindsey Leighton. I am studying the factors that contributed to extinction survivorship in the past with the hope of applying this knowledge to modern-day biodiversity challenges.
I am a PhD student with Prof. Graham Pearson. We are developing methods to date carbonatites (They are not very cooperative though).
I am a 2nd year PhD student working with Dr. Matthew Steele MacInnis. I am currently working on the geochemistry of IOA deposits from around the world, but focusing mainly on deposits from the Great Bear Magmatic Zone. I am trying to find the REE potential of these minerals and trying to understand their origin from geochemistry and fluid inclusions.
I am a PhD student working with Kurt and Murray on Neoproterozoic environments and their geochemical and paleobiological implications in early animal life.
I am a PhD student working with Kurt Konhauser on the origin, early evolution and preservation of eukaryotes in the Precambrian through the lens of the organic-walled microfossil record.
Hi! I’m a 2nd year MSc student studying under Dr. Rob Creaser. My research focuses on applying the Re-Os system to graphite in Greenland and cobalt/nickel arsenides in the Northwest Territories.
Hi! I am a second year MSc student studying on Dr. Sasha Wilson’s group. I’m passionate about Carbon Dioxide Removal as a way to mitigate climate change.
I am an MSc student with Dr. Paul Myers. I study how winter storms affect water properties and circulation in the North Atlantic using a computational model of the ocean.
I am a PhD student with Dr. Sasha Wilson. I study enhanced rock weathering, a method of carbon mineralization, and I use geochemistry, mineralogy, and GIS to assess its feasibility.
I am a PhD student supervised by Dr. N. Harris and Dr. O. Catuneanu. My research focuses on understanding the main controls of sedimentary architecture in passive margins, and the differences between volcanic and non-volcanic margins.
I am completing a course based MSc in Urban and Regional Planning. My big focusses are community building, social and affordable housing and sustainability. If I’m not on campus, I’m probably reading on my kindle or cooking!
I am a PhD Student supervised by Dr. Christopher Herd. My research focuses on characterizing shock metamorphism in lunar meteorites so that we can decode their Pressure-Temeprature-time histories.
I am a PhD Student supervised by Dr. Kurt Konhauser. My research focuses on studying the impacts of glaciers on the marine microbial community and geochemistry in the High Arctic, and using this data to inform on what the post-Snowball Earth oceans may have looked like.
Hi! I’m a PhD student in the Volcanic Ash Research Group and the Canadian Ice Core Lab, working on the (very confusing!) volcanic history recorded in the Mount Logan ice cores.
I am an MA student working with Dr. Damian Collins and Dr. Joshua Evans. My research focuses on community housing (social and affordable housing) in Edmonton and how we can increase accessibility for people with disabilities.